Monday, December 5, 2011

Time for guys like Hansen to shut up Right?

         What a vintage performance from the ole ole ole beautiful arsenal. Yeah true i am late.Sorry guys fever took me the nights arsenal shattered wigan and i was under rest.
          When the season started the media were bluffing sack wenger ,arsenal playing in on.Then after turning the corner(as our boss said it) bums like alan hansen talking of one man arsenal team and not giving any credit.After that we scored a few matches without rvp and he tells opposition played stupid.Its crazy to hear from such a man who has played football .I also don't understand how the hell he receives  £1.5millionper year for motd program talking this bluff.So at least now when arsenal is winning it is time for him and others to say good about our team or at least show the worth of the money they are paid for. or mr alan hasen please shut you mouth for goodness sake.
         Now to the match according to the opta stats we did 33 passes for our third goal.So no end to the tipy tapy play even after losing cesc.That shows we have the talent .up up gunners.We are right behind u.
        Another mention to the away match supporters how great they were .Also wonderful to see szczesny asking the fans to be silent and singing we are by far the greatest team and then all the fans joined him ....
bye tc
alfin thomas

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